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Office of Competition and Consumer Protection

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  1. More answers Executive Office

    Joanna Domańska

    ph. +48 22 826 37 59
    fax +48 22 826 11 86

    The Executive Office performs overall tasks commissioned by the Office's Management, coordinates the management control processes considers requests for patronage of the President of the Office as well as carries out horizontal projects at UOKiK. Furthermore, the Executive Office manages the Contact Point for out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes.

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  3. More answers Office of Human Resources, Training and Organisation

    Emilia Sobczak-Sitarska

    ph. +48 22 556 01 29, +48 22 827 67 27
    fax +48 22 827 08 43

    The Office of Human Resources, Training and Organisation was established in order to provide chancellery services and administrative and office support to the Director General. The Office deals with personnel matters, including employment, promotions, trainings, as well as internships and student placements.

    The Office also provides support to the Disciplinary Committee and other committees appointed by the President of the Office or the Director General.

    Furthermore, the Office performs internal audit activities with respect the use of the Office’s budgetary means.

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  5. More answers Finance Office

    Anna Pawłowska

    Deputy Director 
    Anna Ekert-Tyszewicz

    ph. +48 22 826 10 34, +48 22 55 60 355
    fax +48 22 826 91 69

    The Finance Office carries out tasks related to the planning and implementation of the budget and financial plan, the management of public procurement, the accounting services for the Office, the maintenance of the register of fines and the handling of foreign and domestic travel.

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  7. More answers Administration Office

    Roman Michalski

    ph. +48 22 55 60 588

    The Administration Office is responsible for the administrative and logistical support of the Office, the management of the Office's property, the maintenance of the general department, the professional library and the Office's office archives, as well as the performance of tasks related to ensuring safe and healthy working conditions, including fire protection.

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  9. More answers International Cooperation Office

    Martyna Derszniak-Noirjean

    Deputy Director
    Monika Mika

    ph.: +48 22 55 60 504

    International Cooperation Office (BWM) plays the key role in activities undertaken by the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) within the structures of the European Union and worldwide.

    The team supports the President of UOKiK in communication with the European Commission (mainly DG Comp and DG Just), coordinates the cooperation within the European structures in the field of competition (ECN - European Competition Network) and consumer protection (CPN - Consumer Policy Network), while remaining in constant touch with bodies responsible for the enforcement of consumer protection law in another countries (CPC - Consumer Protection Cooperation).

    Outside the European Union, the Office is involved in the work of the ICN (International Competition Network), ICPEN (International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network) and OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) - both with the Competition Committee and the Consumer Policy Committee.

    International Cooperation Office acts as the coordinator in the legislative process regarding international cooperation (preparation and flow of positions regarding draft legal acts and other government documents). The team supports the President of UOKiK in his international activity, preparing foreign visits and conferences resulting in an international impact


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  11. More answers Office of IT and Security

    Józef Wacnik

    ph. +48 22 55 60 261

    The Office of IT and Security  is responsible for planning and implementing tasks related to the maintenance and development of IT systems of the Office and ensuring property protection.

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  13. More answers Department of Communication

    Małgorzata Cieloch / UOKiK Spokesperson

    ph. +48 22 55 60 246

    The Department of Communication carries out tasks related to the information and educational activities of UOKiK.

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  15. More answers Department of Legal Affairs

    Aneta Mijal

    Deputy Director
    Artur Rogowski

    Deputy Director
    Paulina Sawa

     ph. +48 22 826 39 60, +48 22 556 01 63
    fax +48 22 826 10 36

    The main tasks of the Department of Legal Affairs include preparing and issuing opinions on normative acts regarding competition and consumer protection and representing the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection in court proceedings.

    The Department provides legal service for the Office, i.e. drafts the most important regulations within the scope of competition law and consumer law and issues opinions on drafts prepared by other departments. Furthermore, the Department represents the President of the Office in court proceedings before the Court of Competition and Consumer Protection (in cases of appeals against the UOKiK decisions), the court of appeal (in cases of appeals against the decisions of the Court of Competition and Consumer Protection) and the Supreme Court (in cases of cassations lodged in relation to the decisions of the court of appeal), as well as before administrative courts and other deciding bodies.

    The Department of Legal Affairs issues legal opinions concerning the interpretation of the provisions of the Antimonopoly Act and other acts providing for specific tasks and responsibilities of the President of the Office and the Trade Inspection, which is subordinated to the UOKiK. The Department clarifies legal doubts emerging in the course of the various UOKiK organisational units’ operations.

    Furthermore, the Department collects national and EU judicial decisions concerning competition protection, consumer protection and state aid. The Department also maintains a register of the appeals and complaints submitted to the Court of Competition and Consumer Protection, the appeals brought before the court of appeal, the cassations brought before the Supreme Court and the complaints submitted to administrative courts.

    The Department of Legal Affairs carefully analyses judicial decisions and chosen issues regarding Polish and EU competition and consumer protection laws, as well as edits Official Journal of the Office.


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  17. More answers Department of Contractual Advantage

    Paweł KuŒma

    tel. +48 22 55 60 510

    Department of Contractual Advantage is responsible for performance of tasks and competencies of the President of the Office in the area of regulations of the Act of 15 December 2016 on counteracting the unfair use of contractual advantage in the trade in agricultural and food products (Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland from 2020, item 1213).

    Department performs its activities primarily by conducting preliminary and administrative proceedings, including by issuing decisions, as well as by addressing recommendations to entrepreneurs.

    Scope of its responsibilities includes also representing the Office in the legislative procedures in the area of contractual advantage and taking part in the works conducted on the international forum.

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  19. More answers Department of Market Analyses

    dr Wojciech Szymczak

    Deputy Director
    Nikodem Szadkowski

    Deputy Director
    Bartłomiej Dzik

    Deputy Director
    Karol Muż

    ph. +48 22 826 39 62, +48 22 556 02 81
    fax +48 22 826 13 53

    The Department’s main task is to analyse the information on the state of competition in different domestic markets. The Department of Market Analyses carries out research of the markets which, due to distortions of competition, are the object of the Office's proceedings and also researches the markets which due to their vulnerable structure are prone to violations of competition law. In the event that the research provides sufficient evidence to suspect that the law was violated, the Department of Market Analyses notifies the Office’s management of the need to initiate proceedings.

    In recent years the following markets have been, among others, the object of particular interest of the Department of Market Analyses: landline and mobile telephony, pharmaceuticals, fuels, services provided by liberal professions and financial products and services.

    The Department of Market Analyses coordinates the research operations of other units of the Office, by means of preparing research schemes and participating in shaping the governmental competition policy.

    The Department monitors the changes occurring in the EU competition policy and prepares internal reports on the research performed. The results of the analyses are used inter alia in publications of the Office.

    Furthermore, the Department creates and manages databases relating to the state of competition in Poland, as well as assists other UOKiK departments by means of preparing economic analyses for the purposes of proceedings carried out by the Office.

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  21. More answers Department of Competition Protection

    Anna Sekinda-Maicka

    Deputy Director
    Marta Kruszka

    ph. +48 22 826 91 06, +48 22 556 02 99
    fax +48 22 826 30 51

    The activities undertaken by the Department of Competition Protection on behalf of the President of the Office focus on counteracting anti-competition agreements and abuses of the dominant position. The Department of Competition Protection is responsible for conducting proceedings and drafting decisions regarding the aforementioned practices. The Department also prepares the President of the Office’s positions on any appeals, complaints and cassations that may be filed in relation to the his decisions. At the same time the Department monitors the implementation of the President of the Office’s rulings.

    The staff of the Department of Competition Protection represent the Office in legislative works relating to competition policy, draft governmental competition development programmes and periodic reports on their implementation. The Department of Competition Protection cooperates with the Department of Legal Affairs  and the Department of Market Analyses.

    Since 1 May 2004 the scope of competence of the Department of Competition Protection has been broadened to include cooperating with the European Commission and the competition authorities of the other EU Member States within the framework of the European Competition Network. The cooperation is aimed at coordinating competition protection activities at the EU level and results from the national authorities being entrusted with applying the Community competition law (Article 101 and 102 of the TFEU).

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  23. More answers Department of Concentration Control

    Robert Kamiński

    Deputy Director
    Marzena Błachnio

    ph. +48 22 556 01 22
    fax +48 22 826 91 06

    The main task of the Department of Concentration Control is monitoring the level of concentration in the different domestic markets and conducting antimonopoly proceedings. The Department drafts legislative acts, issues opinions on them, prepares the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection decisions on the matters of concentrations, divisions of undertakings and fines.

    The Department closely cooperates with European Union bodies and other national competition authorities within the EU.


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  25. More answers Department of Market Surveillance

    Katarzyna Bednarz

    Deputy Director
    Marcin Poturalski

    ph. +48 22 826 14 35, +48 22 556 03 90
    fax +48 22 827 03 04

    The Department of Market Surveillance monitors different sectors of the economy with the aim of eliminating dangerous products, goods non-compliant with the essential requirements and poor quality fuels.

    As for its responsibilities regarding general product safety, the Department approves plans of safety inspections of products, monitors the inspections and evaluates their effectiveness. It also conducts proceedings relating to product safety. The Department keeps a register of dangerous products and gathers all information on such product in order to subsequently forward it to relevant market surveillance authorities. It also collects notifications submitted by producers and distributors on non-compliant products placed on the market.

    On behalf of the President of the Office, the Department of Market Surveillance monitors the system of controlling product compliance with the essential requirements provided for by the national legislation transposing the so-called New Approach Directives into the Polish law. The Department cooperates with the specialised market surveillance authorities issuing opinions on their plans of inspections and forwarding them the information on the products non-compliant with the essential requirements that are placed on the market. The Department also keeps a register of such products.

    The Department of Market Surveillance performs the President of the Office’s tasks with respect to managing the fuel quality monitoring and scrutinizing system. The Department draws up the principles and programmes of filling stations and fuel wholesalers inspections (which are carried out by the Trade Inspection). It also prepares regular reports for the Polish Council of Ministers and the European Commission on the quality of liquid fuels sold in the Polish market. The Department also maintains a database facilitating its scrutinizing duties (records of undertakings, filling stations, fuel wholesalers and certified laboratories authorised to carry out fuel tests).

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  27. More answers Department for Bid Rigging Prevention

    Adam Krukowski

    ph.: +48 22 55 60 507

    The Department for Bid Rigging Prevention (DBRP) performs the tasks of the President of UOKiK regarding competition protection in the area of combating bid rigging, i.e. anti-competitive practices consisting in tenderers agreeing on the terms of their bids submitted, in particular on the scope of works or the price. 

    The DBRP processes reports on competition-restricting practices, conducts preliminary investigations and anti-monopoly proceedings, draws up decisions and rulings in this regard, as well as formulates the position of the President of UOKiK in appeal and/or complaint proceedings and cassation appeals, and monitors the implementation of decisions and rulings issued.

    The DBRP employees conduct monitoring and analysis of public tenders, participate in legislative work related to competition law and public procurement law, and develop government programs for competition development, cooperating in this regard with the Department of Competition Protection and the Legal Department.

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  29. More answers Department of State Aid Monitoring

    dr Piotr Pełka

    Deputy Director
    Katarzyna Kukuæ

    Deputy Director
    Patrycja Sobczak

    ph. +48 22 55 60 856
    fax +48 32 32 500

    The Department of State Aid Monitoring carries out initial assessment of the compliance of aid programmes and individual aid schemes (granted on the basis of a decision or contracts) with the principles of the Single Market. It also judges the necessity of such projects’ notification to the European Commission.

    The Department drafts documents and prepares information for the purposes of representing Poland in state aid cases heard by the European Commission, the Court of Justice of The European Union and the General Court.

    The Department is responsible for monitoring the state aid granted in Poland. It prepares an annual report on state aid including relevant qualitative and quantitative data as well as an overall impact assessment of the aid granted on the state of competition in the market.


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  31. More answers Department of Trade Inspection

    Joanna Jankowska-Kuæ

    Deputy Director
    Anna Janiszewska

    ph. +48 22 55 60 176
    fax +48 22 826 91 31

    The Department of Trade Inspection performs on behalf of the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection tasks related to the planning, coordinating and analysing the results of inspections of non-food goods, fuels and services carried out by the Voivodship Inspectorates of the Trade Inspection.

    The Department draws up rules and programmes of inspections and prepares regular reports on their results for the Polish Council of Ministers and the European Commission. It also maintains a database of information necessary to perform inspections of the quality of liquid fuels (i.e. a list of businesses, filling stations and wholesalers, as well as laboratories possessing accreditation to carry out the inspections).

    In addition, the Department provides its input on the directions of research carried out by Trade Inspection laboratories and the research methods they apply.

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  33. More answers Department of Protection of Collective Consumer Interests

    Łukasz Wroński

    Deputy Director
    Artur Zwaliński

    Deputy Director
    Katarzyna Araczewska

    ph. +48 22 556 04 24
    fax +48 22 827 67 41

    The main task of the Department is shaping and implementing the government consumer policy. To this end the Department conducts administrative proceedings concerning practices infringing collective consumer interests. The Department also initiates legislative works on the creation or amendment of consumer protection regulations.

    The Department’s responsibilities also include filing court cases (after consulting the Department of Legal Affairs) for recognizing given contractual clauses as abusive.

    The Department of Protection of Collective Consumer Interests supports local authorities, national non-governmental organisations and other institutions whose tasks include protection of consumer interests. The Department also initiates tests of products and services.

    Furthermore, the Department of Protection of Collective Consumer Interests actively collaborates with the European Commission and national consumer protection authorities in the other EU Member States within the framework of the Consumer Protection Cooperation.

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  35. More answers Department of Laboratories

    Ewa Mrówka

    ph. +48 22 55 60 825

    The tasks of the Department of Laboratories mainly include: conducting laboratory tests of product samples, maintenance and improvement management systems in laboratories and improving testing methods and implementing new ones.

    The laboratories carry out tests on: toys, products for kids, fuels, textiles, leather goods, jewelry and other non-food products. 

    In the organizational structure of the department, there are three laboratories in Bydgoszcz, Lublin and ŁódŒ. All of them are accredited by the Polish Centre for Accreditation confirming that they meet the requirements of PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025.


    Laboratories of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection

    Laboratory in Bydgoszcz
    Main areas of analysis: motor fuel, diesel oil, biofuels (diesel oil
    with FAME).

    Scope of AB 773 accreditation

    Head of the unit: Anna Tacikiewicz
    ul. Kasztanowa 57
    85-605 Bydgoszcz
    tel. 52 322 01 79

    Laboratory in Lublin
    Main areas of analysis: toys and products for kids, sports scooters.

    Scope of AB 731 accreditation

    Head of the unit: Anna Kozak
    ul. Ceramiczna 8A
    20-150 Lublin
    tel. 81 747 20 21

    Laboratory in ŁódŒ

    Main areas of analysis: textiles, toys and products for kids, jewellery, leather goods, plastic products, batteries and rechargeable batteries, windscreen washer fluids and concentrates, footwear, tyres, cosmetics, detergents and other consumer goods.

    Scope of AB 403 accreditation

    Head of the unit: Anna Stokowska
    ul. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 19/27, bud. B
    90-570 ŁódŒ
    tel. 42 633 31 79, 42 633 85 61

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  37. More answers Department for Combating Excessively Late Payment

    Deputy Director
    Marlena Boba

    ph. +48 22 55 60 260

    The department's core task is to reduce payment backlogs by counteracting excessive late payment in commercial transactions. The Department's key tool is to conduct proceedings at first instance concerning excessive late payments in the settlement of financial obligations.

    The department's powers stem from the provisions of the Act of 8 March 2013 on counteracting excessive late payment in commercial transactions, which entered into force on 1 January 2020. The activities of the President of the Office concern commercial transactions concluded from 1 January 2020 and cash benefits resulting from commercial transactions concluded before 1 January 2020, provided that they became due after that date.

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  39. More answers Department for Analysis Development

    Martyna Ostrowska

    ph. +48 22 55 60 260

    The department's primary task is to carry out an analysis of the likelihood of excessive late payment in the settlement of financial obligations by entities. DAD cooperates with the National Revenue Administration with regard to information provided to the President of the Office.

    Moreover, the Department for Analysis Development is responsible for supporting the Department for combating excessively late payment by providing IT support and analytical tools for the acquisition, protection and analysis of evidence obtained in the course of proceedings conducted by the Department.

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  41. More answers Support Department for Combating Excessively Late Payment

    Acting Director
    Artur Rogowski
    ph.: +48 22 55 60 511

    The department's main objective is to conduct proceedings at second instance concerning excessive late payments in the settlement of financial obligations.

    The department deals with applications for reconsidering cases, complaints against decisions of Chairman of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection and also provides legal representation in the proceedings before courts and other decision-making authorities.

    The department's powers come from the provisions of the Act of 8 March 2013 on counteracting excessive late payment in commercial transactions.


See also: